Affiliate Disclosure

Welcome to Teki360’s Affiliate Disclosure page.

At Teki360, we are dedicated to providing genuine, useful, and comprehensive information about dating apps to our valued readers. Your trust is our top priority, which is why we feel it’s crucial to be transparent about how we make money to keep this website running.

An affiliate link is a specific URL containing tracking details that identify Teki360 as the referring site. When you click on one of our affiliate links and make a purchase or sign up for a service, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. These commissions help us sustain the blog and keep our content freely accessible.

In our articles, you may find recommendations for dating apps, subscriptions, premium features, or other related services. These recommendations may include affiliate links. We want to clarify that our affiliate status does not influence the integrity of our content. We recommend only those products and services that we’ve researched or believe to be beneficial to our readers.

Our Affiliate Partners

We may have affiliate relationships with several platforms and companies relevant to the dating industry, such as:

  2. Tinder
  3. OkCupid
  4. eHarmony
  5. Bumble
  6. Various In-app Purchase Providers
  7. Dating and Relationship Book Retailers

Trust and Integrity

Building and maintaining your trust is crucial to us. Here’s how we manage that:

  1. Objectivity: We strive for impartiality in our reviews, regardless of our affiliate partnerships.
  2. Disclosure: Articles containing affiliate links will be clearly marked, ensuring full transparency.
  3. No Additional Costs: Clicking on an affiliate link does not impose an additional cost on you. Occasionally, our links may even offer exclusive discounts.
  4. Quality Assurance: The existence of an affiliate program does not guarantee a favorable review. Our recommendations are based on their merit and relevance to our audience.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Affiliate Disclosure or the way we use affiliate links, please feel free to contact us.