Why people unmatched on Bumble but still texting?

Why people unmatched on Bumble but still texting?

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You’ve swiped, matched, chatted, and then… unmatched, only to find the conversation ticking away in your text inbox?

It’s a bit confusing, I know. But why does the happen? Well, this is a question we’ll be taking today.

Why do people unmatch but still text?

It’s not an anomaly, this trend is actually quite common, but why exactly does it happen? You see, the online dating industry has its own rules and idiosyncrasies, and navigating through them can be a little tricky. So, let’s dive in and try to make some sense out of this trend.

First off, the unmatch might not be as personal as you think. Bumble’s algorithm, like many dating platforms, encourages users to keep their matches fresh.

So some users might unmatch simply to keep their match list short and focused.

It’s like spring cleaning for your digital love life. But if the conversation was interesting, they might decide to continue the dialogue via text, outside of the Bumble interface.

This is one of the major reasons this action is common.

A reddit complain on bumble on people unmatched on Bumble but still texting?

Some people may also unmatch when for several reasons which could be personal as well. Maybe they don’t want you to know about they still “bumble” or just some other personal reasons

Also, it’s worth noting that Bumble gives women the power to initiate the conversation.

This added level of control might make some users feel more comfortable moving the chat to more personal space, like text messages, once they’ve built a level of trust. So even after an unmatch, they may choose to keep the communication going in a different medium.

Sometimes, people unmatch because they feel overwhelmed by the number of conversations happening simultaneously on the app. Shifting to text messaging can help them manage and prioritize their connections better.

In other instances, they may want to take a break from the app without losing contact with people they are genuinely interested in. Not all unmatches are about rejection, sometimes it’s just about taking a breather.

But let’s not ignore the elephant in the room. Yes, sometimes it could also simply mean they’re not interested or have found someone else on the app. However, they might still want to keep the conversation going out of politeness, curiosity or other interests.

What to do if someone unmatched on bumble but still texting

If you’re still interested in getting to know the person, don’t shy away from asking them directly why they unmatched.

Keep it light and conversational; you could say something like, “Hey, I noticed we’re not connected on Bumble anymore. Just curious, what’s up with that?” This can help clear any confusion and give you a better understanding of where you stand.

It’s better to ask than to keep up with the guessing game.

Alternatively, if you’re feeling uncomfortable with the situation or unsure about the person’s intentions, it’s perfectly okay to establish boundaries.

You can let them know that you prefer to keep the conversation within the confines of the dating app until you’re comfortable moving elsewhere.

On the other hand, if you feel that the unmatch was a sign that things are not moving in a direction you’d like, it’s also completely fine to step back. You can choose to stop responding to their texts or express your feelings about the situation to them. Remember, it’s important to listen to your intuition and prioritize your comfort in these situations.

Other reasons people unmatch on Bumble

Now that we’ve touched on the reasons behind why some people unmatch but still continue texting, let’s delve a bit further into the varied landscape of unmatching on Bumble.

Because, the truth is, there are countless reasons why someone might choose to hit that ‘unmatch’ button, and often, they are as varied and diverse as the users themselves.

Starting with the most straightforward reason: the spark just isn’t there.

Dating is all about feeling a connection, and when the conversation doesn’t quite hit the right notes, it’s easier to unmatch than to lead someone on.

They might have looked perfect on paper (or should we say on the screen?), but if the conversation feels like pulling teeth, unmatching is the next logical step.

Then there are those who use the unmatch feature to declutter, just like we explained above – the reason why some people prefer to match on Bumble and text.

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It’s a bit like tidying up your room; sometimes, you need to clear out the old to make space for the new. For these users, unmatching is a way of keeping their digital dating landscape clean and organized.

Ever heard of ‘catfish’? These are individuals who misrepresent themselves online.

When a user suspects they’ve matched with a catfish, they might unmatch immediately as a precaution. This can often happen if the person starts asking for personal information or behaves inappropriately.

The reality of modern dating is that some people are playing the field, juggling multiple conversations at once. When they decide to focus on a particular person, they might unmatch the others to concentrate on building a relationship with their chosen one.

Another scenario, albeit less pleasant, is the ‘accidental match.’

The swiping can sometimes get a bit robotic, and users may accidentally match with someone they’re not interested in. In this case, the unmatch button serves as a sort of ‘undo’ option.


At the end of the day, unmatching and still texting is part of the complex, ever-evolving world of online dating. Remember, the reasons behind this action are as diverse as the users themselves. So, the next time you find yourself on the receiving end of this scenario, take it in stride. It might just be another way of saying, ‘Let’s chat, just not here.

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