5 Recommended Dating App for Pregnant Singles

5 Recommended Dating App for Pregnant Singles

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Finding love is a journey, isn’t it? Now imagine being on this journey with a little one on the way. It could be exciting but, of course, with a pinch of nerves and stress.

Just like you’d use an app to find a good restaurant or a movie to watch, why not use one to find love or just a kind companion?


In this article, we’re diving into 5 top dating apps for pregnant singles, just like you. No fancy words, no hard-to-understand jargon – just a straightforward guide to help you find your match.

Mainstream or A Specialized Dating App?

If you’re getting into the world of online dating, it’s important to consider: Do you join the popular, mainstream apps where the majority hangs out, or do you go for those niche platforms specially made for pregnant singles?

Well, let’s take a proper lok at this.

Mainstream Dating Apps:

The Good: On these platforms, you’ll find a vast pool of potential partners. With millions of users worldwide, apps like Tinder, Bumble, or Match offer an endless sea of profiles to swipe through. Because of this wide selection, you might just find someone who’s genuinely excited about your journey into motherhood, even if the app isn’t tailored for pregnant singles.

The Not-So-Good: The sheer volume of profiles means you’ll have to do some sifting. Not everyone will be open to dating someone who’s expecting, and that’s okay. Secondarily, except for apps like eHarmony, most user on mainstream are usually not all about serious relationships.

Specialized Dating Apps for Pregnant Singles:

The Good: These platforms provide a safe space where everyone understands your situation. No need for early disclosures or potentially awkward conversations. Everyone’s on the same page, and there’s a shared understanding. The vibe? It’s like walking into a room where everyone nods and says, “I get it.”

The Not-So-Good: Niche apps tend to have a smaller user base. That means fewer options to choose from, and you might see the same profiles pop up. However, while the pool is smaller, it’s more concentrated with individuals who genuinely want to connect with pregnant singles.

From my personal experience, it’s a matter of preference and what you’re looking for.

If you’re someone who values quantity and believes in the age-old mantra, “there are plenty of fish in the sea,” mainstream apps might be your go-to.

On the other hand, if you prefer a community that instantly understands your unique journey, specialized platforms can feel like a cozy corner cafe – fewer options, but a more tailored experience.

But should I give you a sneak peek? Go for Mainstream apps, with a pinch of specialized dating apps.

To make things simpler, here are the 5 apps we recommend.

5 Dating App For Pregnant Singles

We practically tested a couple of dating apps that promise safe places for pregnant singles. We reviewed them as much as we could, and here are the 5 that topped the list.

1. SingleParentMeet

Single parent meet homepage

Site: https://www.singleparentmeet.com/

Designed specifically for single moms and dads, it seeks to eliminate the awkward “I have a kid” conversation from the equation. Everyone here gets it, and that shared understanding is palpable.

Right off the bat, I noticed the straightforward sign-up process. No lengthy questionnaires, just the essentials. This was a breath of fresh air for me, especially when balancing parent duties; who has the time, right?

The user interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate. I particularly appreciated the specific features catering to single parents. Chatrooms and forums provide spaces for us to share our challenges, seek advice, or simply chat about our little ones’ latest antics.

While browsing profiles, it became clear that members here understand the balancing act of dating and parenting. No need to shy away from mentioning bedtime routines or weekend soccer matches; it’s a shared experience.

There is also a range of filters available that allows you to narrow down potential matches based on criteria important to single parents, such as the age of children or parenting styles.

Now, onto messaging: it’s simple and intuitive. But, like many dating apps, to unlock unlimited messaging and more advanced features, a subscription is required. I recommend giving the free version a whirl before diving into a subscription to see if it aligns with what you’re looking for.

A slight downside? The user base isn’t as vast as some mainstream apps. But I found that this smaller pool fostered more genuine connections. Conversations felt less like interviews and more like two friends sharing their experiences over a cup of coffee.

2. eHarmony

eharmony on the list of dating apps for single mothers

Site: https://www.eharmony.com/

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At first glance, eharmony might strike you as one of those “all-encompassing” dating platforms.

And you’d be right. Unlike some niche apps, eharmony isn’t tailored specifically for pregnant singles. Yet, there’s a certain depth to it that might just make it worthwhile for those on this unique journey.

eharmony prides itself on its compatibility-driven approach.

Instead of merely swiping based on surface-level attributes, the platform takes you through a comprehensive questionnaire when you sign up.

This, in theory, allows them to find matches based on deeper values and beliefs. It’s like having a friend who’s taking the time to know you better before setting you up on a date.

Now, for pregnant singles: while eharmony isn’t designed with this particular demographic in mind, its detailed profiling means you can be upfront about your situation.

This clarity often leads to matches who are genuinely open to dating someone expecting a child.

The interface is user-friendly, and browsing potential matches feels intuitive. However, communication is behind a paywall.

Given the reputation and success stories linked to eharmony, many users find the investment worth it, since it’s more of a serious platform compared to other mainstream apps like Tinder, Hinge or Bumble.

3. MumsDateDads

Mumsdatedads dating site homepage

Site: https://www.mumsdatedads.com/

MumsDateDads, as its name suggests, hones in on a particular demographic: single parents looking for genuine connections.

It’s a heartening nod to the fact that parenthood, while immensely rewarding, can sometimes feel isolating, especially in the dating world.

Going through the site, you quickly get the sense that MumsDateDads understands the challenges and nuances of dating as a single parent. The vibe? It’s a bit like joining a support group where everyone’s wearing their parent badge with pride.

What struck me initially about MumsDateDads was its user-friendly layout. Profile set-up is straightforward, allowing you to share about your children, your parenting journey, and what you’re seeking in a partner.

This transparent approach ensures that when you connect with someone, they already have a snapshot of your life.

The search filters are quite efficient as well, allowing you to narrow down matches based on preferences that matter to single parents.

Messaging is relatively simple, though, like many platforms, there are premium features available for subscribers. While this might be a drawback for some, I recommend starting with the free version to gauge if the site aligns with your needs before committing financially.

A possible limitation? Depending on your location, you might find a varied density of users. But, remember, dating apps aren’t just a numbers game. It’s about quality, not quantity. And MumsDateDads seems to offer an environment where genuine connections can flourish.

4. OkCupid

Okcupid in the list of Dating Apps for Pregnant Singles

Site: https://www.okcupid.com/

One of the pioneers in the digital dating landscape, OkCupid has been linking hearts for years, and for a good reason. Let’s delve into my take on this renowned platform.

OkCupid has always prided itself on its algorithm. When you sign up, you’re greeted with a series of questions that range from quirky to profound.

Based on your answers, OkCupid matches you with users who share similar views and interests. The beauty of this system is its adaptability.

For instance, while OkCupid isn’t explicitly designed for pregnant singles or single parents, you can tweak your profile and preferences to highlight this part of your life.

It allows for candidness, which is often appreciated in the dating realm.

The platform boasts a diverse user base. No matter your background, preferences, or situation, there’s a good chance you’ll find like-minded individuals here. Its inclusivity is one of its strongest suits.

The user interface is sleek and intuitive, with both a website and app option. Messaging is straightforward, although some advanced features might require a premium membership.

Given the platform’s longstanding reputation, many find it worth the investment.

Now, on the flip side, because OkCupid caters to such a wide audience, it does mean wading through numerous profiles to find your match. But with its detailed search filters and compatibility percentages, the task becomes a tad more manageable.

5. BabyCenter

baby center homepage

Site: https://www.babycenter.com/

A quick heads-up: BabyCenter isn’t your typical dating app. In fact, it’s not a dating app at all.

It’s primarily a platform focused on guiding expecting parents and those with children through the various stages of parenthood.

However, given its community-driven approach, some might find it a space for unexpected connections. Let’s delve deeper.

BabyCenter offers a wealth of information for expectant moms and dads. From pregnancy trackers to parenting tips, it covers a vast array of topics.

The forums are particularly engaging. Here, parents and parents-to-be share experiences, ask questions, and offer support.

In these forums, you’re surrounded by individuals who genuinely understand the ups and downs of pregnancy and parenting.

While not its primary purpose, given the sense of community, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility to forge connections that go beyond parenting discussions. Mutual understanding can sometimes pave the way for deeper relationships.

The app itself is user-friendly, with an intuitive layout. Articles, tools, and videos are neatly categorized, ensuring you find what you’re looking for with ease.

And the best part? Most of the features are free, providing valuable resources without burning a hole in your pocket.

However, it’s essential to approach BabyCenter with the right expectations.

If you’re explicitly seeking a dating platform, this might not be the right fit.

But if you’re looking to immerse yourself in a community that understands the journey of parenthood and remains open to the serendipity of unexpected friendships (or more), BabyCenter is a comforting and informative space to be in.

Final Thoughts

The first step in using these apps? Setting clear boundaries and knowing what you want. Every expecting mother’s journey is unique. Some might be looking for love, others for friendship, and some might just want a chat buddy for those sleepless nights. And that’s okay.

Safety should always be a priority. Always meet in public places, inform someone about your plans, and listen to your intuition. If something feels off, it probably is.

Lastly, remember, there’s no rush. Pregnancy is a significant phase in life, and it’s okay to take things slow, giving yourself the time and space to figure things out.

To wrap up, dating while pregnant might seem daunting, but remember, it’s all about finding connections that add positivity to your journey. With the right app and approach, you might just find that special connection, making this unique phase even more memorable.

Happy dating!

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