Who Does Bumble Show You First?

Who Does Bumble Show You First? - featured image

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When you fire up Bumble, whether it’s your first or fiftieth time, certain profiles seem to appear right away, right? So what’s the logic behind which profiles show up first?

Let’s go over this in this article.

Understanding Bumble Algorithm

Understanding the Bumble algorithm is the key to getting more matches and finding that special someone.

At its core, the Bumble algorithm is designed to show users the most relevant and attractive profiles based on several factors. These factors include:

  • Your location: Bumble prioritizes showing you profiles of people who are near you. This is because Bumble is designed to facilitate real-life connections, so it makes sense to show you people who are geographically close to you.
  • Your preferences: Bumble takes into account the preferences you’ve set in your profile, such as age range, gender, and distance. If, for instance, you change your gender preference, the app would respect that. This helps to ensure that the profiles you see are the ones that are most likely to be a good match for you.
  • Swiping behaviour: Bumble also takes into account your swiping behaviour. If you’re swiping right on a lot of profiles, Bumble will assume that you’re less discerning and will show you more profiles to swipe through. On the other hand, if you’re more selective with your swipes, Bumble will show you fewer profiles but they are likely to be of higher quality.

In addition to these factors, Bumble also uses several other signals to determine which profiles to show you first, and not randomly as you may assume. 

For example, if you’ve recently matched with someone, Bumble may show you more profiles that are similar to that person. 

Or if you’ve been inactive on the app for a while, Bumble may prioritize showing you profiles of users who are more likely to be active and responsive.

So, Who Does Bumble Show First?

When you open up the Bumble app, the first thing you’ll see is a series of profiles that the app has chosen to show you. 

But have you ever wondered who Bumble decides to show first? Is it just random, or is there a method to the madness?

The truth is, there are several factors (which we know and don’t know) that Bumble takes into account when deciding which profiles to show first. 

Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • New users: If you’re a new user on Bumble, you’re likely to be shown to other users more frequently. This is because Bumble wants to give new users a chance to get matches and start building connections. This is one reason they leave them with the new badge label on their profiles for a certain time.
  • Active users: If you’re an active user who spends a lot of time swiping, chatting, and making connections on Bumble, you’re likely to be shown to other users more frequently as well. This is because Bumble wants to reward users who are actively using the app and engaging with others.
  • Quality of profile: Bumble takes into account the quality of your profile when deciding who to show you to. Profiles with high-quality photos, complete bios, and interesting prompts are more likely to be shown to other users first.

Also, if you’ve been inactive for a while, Bumble may likely show you profiles of users who are more likely to be active and responsive.

While these are just a few of the factors that Bumble takes into account when deciding who to show first, it’s clear that there is a method to the madness. 

So, who does Bumble show first? 

The answer is, it’s a combination of factors that are designed to show users the most relevant and attractive profiles based on their preferences and behavior.

Actually, you can’t tell.

Tips To Increase Your Profile Visibility On Bumble

When it comes to online dating, your profile is everything. 

It’s the first impression that potential matches will have of you, and it’s what Bumble uses to decide who to show you to. 

So, if you want to increase your profile visibility on Bumble and get more matches, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Choose your photos carefully:

Bumble allows you to upload up to six photos, so choose them wisely.

Related: What Do Guys See When You Match On Bumble? 

Make sure your photos are high-quality, well-lit, and show you in a variety of settings. Avoid using group photos as your main photo, as it can be confusing for potential matches to know which person you are.

Write a great bio:

Your bio is your chance to showcase your personality and interests, so make sure it’s well-written and engaging. 

Keep it short and sweet, but don’t be afraid to show off your sense of humor or share a fun fact about yourself.

Add interesting prompts:

Bumble’s prompt feature allows you to add a bit of personality to your profile and give potential matches something to start a conversation with. 

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Choose prompts that showcase your interests and values, and avoid using generic prompts like “I love to travel” or “I’m a foodie.”

Be active on the app:

Bumble rewards active users by showing them more potential matches, so make sure you’re logging in regularly and swiping through profiles. 

If you’re not actively using the app, you’re less likely to be shown to others.

Swipe strategically:

Instead of mindlessly swiping through profiles, be more strategic with your swipes. 

Take the time to read through profiles and only swipe right on those that you’re genuinely interested in.

 This will not only increase your chances of getting a match, but it will also improve the quality of your matches.

Connect your Instagram and Spotify:

Bumble allows you to connect your Instagram and Spotify accounts to your profile, which can give potential matches a better sense of who you are and what you’re into. 

Just make sure that your Instagram is set to public so that potential matches can see your photos.

By following these tips, you can increase your profile visibility on Bumble and increase your chances of getting more matches.

Final Thought

Bumble’s algorithm for showing profiles is a complex and dynamic process that takes into account a variety of factors. 

While we may never know exactly how it works, understanding the basics can help us make the most of the app and increase our chances of getting matches.

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