Our Recommended Dating Apps For Demisexuals

Our Recommended Dating Apps For Demisexuals

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Dating can be tricky.

For some, it’s about fun nights and short flings. But for you, and for many like me, it’s about finding something real. A deep connection.

Have you ever felt like you need to truly know someone before feeling attracted to them? If yes, you might relate to being demisexual.

Being demisexual means you’re not just looking for any connection; you’re looking for the connection.

But where do you start?

In a world of quick swipes and short chats, is there a place for someone who values a deeper bond?

The answer is yes.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 5 dating apps perfect for demisexuals like us.

The Dating Apps For Demisexuals


Okcupid in the list of Dating Apps for Demisexuals

Site: https://www.okcupid.com/

If you’ve been in the online dating sphere for a while, there’s a good chance you’ve come across OkCupid. One of the older players in the game, OkCupid has earned its reputation as a reliable and comprehensive dating platform.

Firstly, what sets OkCupid apart is its in-depth questionnaire. It’s not just about your favorite color or food – it delves deeper.

The questions range from your values, beliefs, lifestyle choices, to even your views on contemporary issues.

Why does this matter? It’s simple. It helps the platform better understand you and match you with people who truly align with your core. I found that the matches here were more genuine, leading to more meaningful conversations than on other platforms.

The user interface is straightforward, clean, and quite intuitive. You get to see match percentages based on your answers, which gives a clearer idea of compatibility at a glance.

Another highlight for me was the inclusivity.

OkCupid celebrates diversity. No matter your sexual orientation, gender, or background, there’s a place for you here. It’s evident the developers put thought into creating an inclusive environment, making everyone feel welcome.


eharmony on the list of dating apps for demisexuals

Site: https://www.eharmony.com/

Well, let me start with its comprehensive personality assessment.

When I first signed up, I was pleasantly (or perhaps, for the impatient, a bit dauntingly) surprised by the depth of their questionnaire.

The questions aren’t just surface-level; they’re designed to dig deep into your personality, beliefs, and preferences. The goal? To provide matches that are truly compatible with you, not just random profiles to swipe through.

This detailed approach may seem tedious to some, but for those who value a strong foundation in a relationship, it’s a breath of fresh air.

I appreciated how it filtered out potential matches. At lesast, people I connected with had similar relationship goals and values.

The interface is user-friendly, though it leans more towards a mature audience both in design and user base. This is not your flashy, swipe-left-swipe-right kind of app. It’s designed for substance and depth.

One downside? The pricing.

eHarmony can be on the pricier side compared to other dating apps. But then again, you often get what you pay for. For those truly committed to finding a lasting partnership, it could be seen as an investment in your future.

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Coffee meets bagel

Coffee meets bagel

Site: https://coffeemeetsbagel.com/

When I first heard about Coffee Meets Bagel (or CMB, as it’s often called), the name alone piqued my interest. I mean, who doesn’t like coffee or bagels?

The app however, goes far beyond a catchy name.

Coffee Meets Bagel is a refreshing change from the endless swiping culture of many dating apps.

Its unique selling point? Quality over quantity.

Every day at noon, CMB offers you a limited number of “bagels” – potential matches specifically curated for you.

You then have 24 hours to decide if you want to like or pass on these bagels. This model encourages thoughtful decision-making and provides a daily dose of anticipation.

One aspect I personally appreciated was the Ladies’ Choice feature.

Women are presented with matches who’ve already liked them, ensuring a higher likelihood of a genuine connection and reducing the overwhelming flood of messages.

For someone like me, who can get a tad anxious with too many choices, this was a welcome feature.

The profile setup is quite detailed, and it’s evident that the goal here is to foster deeper connections.

CMB even provides ice breakers to kickstart meaningful conversations.

The in-app currency, called “beans”, allows you to unlock more matches and other features. While some might find this limiting, I felt it added a layer of intentionality to the dating process.

A slight drawback? Sometimes, the daily matches felt a bit too limited, especially if you’re in a less populated area. But then again, the focus of CMB is to cultivate quality interactions, not bombard you with endless profiles.


Meetup on the list of dating apps for demisexuals

Site: https://www.meetup.com/

Now, Meetup isn’t your typical dating app.

The main goal of the app is to create communities around shared interests rather than strictly romantic connections.

But in my experience, sometimes the best relationships stem from shared hobbies or passions, making Meetup an unexpected contender in the dating sphere.

Meetup is designed to connect people who share common interests, be it hiking, book clubs, tech talks, or even niche board games.

When you sign up, you can either join existing groups or create your own based on what you’re passionate about. These groups host events or ‘meetups’, where members gather to indulge in their shared activity.

For someone like me who believes in organic connections, Meetup is a breath of fresh air. Instead of awkward coffee dates or forced small talk, you’re engaging in an activity you love, surrounded by like-minded individuals.

And who knows? Among these new friends, there could be someone special waiting.

It’s worth noting that since Meetup isn’t solely a dating platform, not everyone you meet will be single or interested in dating.

However, the genuine friendships and connections you forge can be just as valuable. Plus, getting to know someone in a relaxed group setting can often be less intimidating than a one-on-one date.

The app itself is user-friendly, with a clear interface allowing easy navigation between groups and events.

A potential downside is that the availability and variety of groups can vary based on your location. In bigger cities, you’re likely to find a plethora of options, while more rural areas might be a bit limited.

Which Dating App Should you go with?

Deciding on a dating app is a bit like choosing a good book. You’re not just picking based on the cover; you want a story that resonates, characters you can connect with, and an experience that’s worth your time.

First off, think about your intentions. Are you in this for the long haul, hoping to find that soulmate?

If that’s the case, eHarmony might be your best bet.

This platform’s bread and butter are creating meaningful connections for those looking at long-term commitment. It’s a serious app, I’d like to say.

The in-depth personality assessment ensures you’re matched with individuals who share your values and life goals.

Sure, it might be on the pricier side, but if you’re seeking a partner to share life’s journey with, the investment could be well worth it.

Now, if you’re someone who doesn’t want the pressure of sifting through endless profiles, and appreciates a curated list of potential matches, Coffee Meets Bagel could be your cup of tea.

It’s like having a friend who knows your taste and introduces you to people they believe you’d vibe with.

The daily matches mean you’re not overwhelmed, and the focus is always on quality, not quantity. A breather if you have a lot at hand!

But let’s say you’re someone who values depth but also appreciates a platform that’s been around the block and understands the digital dating game inside out.

In that case, OkCupid could be your go-to. Its detailed profiling questions ensure you’re connecting on more than just surface level.

And with its diverse user base, there’s a good chance of finding someone who aligns with your interests and values.

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