What happens when you report someone on Hinge?

Illustration of two couples in distant relationship on a separate yellow background - What happens when you report someone on Hinge?

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It’s all fun and games using dating apps until you get paranoid about someone, have someone always pestering you, or just want to get rid of a particular person.

In a case like this, there are two ways to approaches to take.

You can choose to remove them from your account, delete your account (oops!), or get them reported to Hinge.

While the two options would get them removed from your account, reporting them, if approved, could get them banned from the platform. Maybe this is something you want?

Now, this would only work when they’re actually violating the company’s policy.

A gif reacting to When you discover reporting only works when you've violated the company's policy

In this article, I’ll walk you through the reporting process on Hinge, explain why you might want to use this feature and other ways to handle a situation like this.

What Happens When You Report Someone on Hinge

When you report someone on Hinge, the app’s team will look into the situation and take the necessary action in light of what they discover.

For example, the reported user might receive a warning, have their account temporarily suspended, or, in extreme circumstances, have their access to the platform permanently barred.

Now, this all depends on the intensity of the violation that the user had caused and the information provided.

This is why it’s important to include as much information as possible when reporting. Is it a case of harassment? Offensive language? A suspected fake profile?

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The more details you give, the more the reason, Hinge’s team can take appropriate action.

It’s important to know that Hinge evaluates each incident carefully and takes it seriously. And there’s no definite amount of time a person would get reported to be banned. A single report can do, and in several cases may not. It all depends on the intensity of the reason.

For instance, if a report is deemed to be untrue, no action will be taken.

The app also has a committed safety team that works to maintain community safety.

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To make sure Hinge continues to be a welcoming and secure environment for its users, they carefully examine all reports and take the necessary action.

But then, when you report someone on Hinge, is it anonymous?

Well, yes. Just like in most social media and dating platforms, Hinge’s reports system is totally anonymous to the user behind the action.

So, you’re free to report whatever person you choose without the fear of being blackmailed for taking the action!

How to Report Someone on Hinge

Open the app and find the user whose profile you want to report before you can report them on Hinge.

Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of their profile once you’re there. You will then have the choice of “Reporting” or “Blocking” the user. Click on the “report” button.

Screenshot of the unhide, we met, unmatch, and report feature | Removing someone on Hinge
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Next, you’ll be required to choose the relevant category for the report. These categories include the following; inappropriate content or conduct, harassment, fraud, and transgressions of Hinge’s community standards.

A screenshot of the tray of option you're prompted after tapping on report someone on hinge

Now choose one.

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You will also have the option to offer proof or other information to back up your report. Here, screenshots of messages or other communications with the alleged user could be helpful.

If you still find it hard following the instructions above, the below video shows you how…

As soon as you have completed the necessary fields and filed the report, the Hinge team will start their investigation. They might also get in touch with you if they need more details.

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When you may want to report Someone on Hinge

The most common reason you may need to file a report on Hinge is when someone is harassing, abusive, or uncomfortable with you.

This may involve making unwanted advances, stalking you on the network, or sending you threatening or abusive messages.

Not only do you want to block them here, but the best step to take should also be to report them. Reporting and removing works best here.

Fraud is also a good ground for filing a complaint on not just Hinge, but any platform.

Unfortunately, some individuals use dating apps to defraud others of their money or personal information.

If all a match could ask for in a conversation is a huge amount of money, it might just be the right time to file a report, especially when they look suspicious.

You may also want to report someone if they keep making unwanted sexual advances, spreading abusive or discriminating remarks, or posting explicit photographs online.

Lastly, if someone makes you uncomfortable on Hinge, it might be the right time to block or report them.

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Related: Can you report someone on Hinge for ghosting?

Other Alternatives to Reporting Someone on Hinge

While reporting someone on Hinge is one of the most effective ways to deal with fishy behaviors on the app, there may also be other options available to you, if you don’t want to be rude at least. Some of these include:

  • Removing the user: You can choose to remove someone instead of reporting them if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. They won’t be able to contact you through the app or communicate with you as a result.
  • Muting the user: Instead of barring a specific user, you can mute them if you don’t want to see notifications on their messages.
  • Changing your privacy settings: On Hinge, you may modify your privacy settings to limit who can message you and view your profile.


Just like in the real world, you might occasionally come across someone using dating apps with negative motives. However, you can contribute to making Hinge a safe and satisfying experience for you and other users by using the reporting option and making use of other safety features on the platform.

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